Thursday, November 21, 2013

PIn Me

I really find Pinterest a great way of discovering amazing ideas. a melting pot of creative instructional aids that inspire teachers to be more awesome in educating little ones. 

here is my board on pinterest :

its not much but ideas that inspires me!

Saturday, November 2, 2013



This KidPresident got me to thinking. I have been teaching for 7 years now and it always brings me joy to share a piece of me to the kids i teach.

I AM A PRESCHOOL TEACHER and i am proud of it. 

there was a time last year that i question my vocation... do i want to pursue teaching as a career, the job that i will do for the rest of my life, well if you know me I am a big ball of mixed whatever. I enjoy fashion, styling, volunteer work, outreaches, graphic designing, advertising and anything creative and i discover these talents and passion along the way as years gone by. Gearing towards the creative side, I ask myself, is teaching what i really want? I had an introspective war of what i want to do. Then it hit ME!. 

all of these i can do as a teacher! as a preschool teacher!

creativity is a must at preschool. any other talents you have must come out being a preschool teacher  Singing, Dancing, Acting, being playful, adaptable and just simply having fun! teaching will always be part of me and i realize that THIS IS WHAT I AM GOING TO TO FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. 


to enjoy life! enjoy each moment. be creative, be disciplined, say sorry if they hurt someone, say please if they want something. follow their mommies and daddies and their teacher. how to laugh with their fellow students, be silly, dream big! imagine outrageous things,to pee in the toilet and that all that is too much is not good!

these are the things that I learned in preschool, and what I want my students to appreciate and live out!